VerkäuferInnen der Zeitschrift der Straße


Every adult may sell the Zeitschrift der Straße (Magazine of the Street, abbreviated ZdS). The only requirement is a vendor identification badge which is issued for free at our office. Just call us or drop in:

Die Zeitschrift der Straße
Auf der Brake 10–12 (next to Café Papagei, close to the main station)
28195 Bremen
Phone 0421 17 52 16 27
Mon–Thu 10–16h
Fri 10–13h

As street vendor you are free to choose when and where to sell the ZdS. You get to keep half of the sales price of 2,80 euros of each issue you sell. Please respect the following street vendor self-commitment:


By selling the Zeitschrift der Straße, people in need have the chance to legally and independently earn money without having to beg. Everybody may sell this magazine. The idea is to help people help themselves.

1. Identification Badge and Self-Commitment
  • Anybody wishing to sell the ZdS has to apply for a street vendor identification badge at our office.
  • Before obtaining the badge, each vendor must read, understand and agree to the present self-commitment and sign it. The rules specified here reflect the customs of street magazine selling in Bremen with which all vendors must comply.
  • The ZdS is not handed out to people without a valid vendor badge.
  • It is not allowed to use the badge of another person.
  • Child labor is illegal in Germany. Therefore, the ZdS may not be sold by minors. Parents must abide by this.
2. Behaviour among Vendors
  • The Zeitschrift der Straße assigns fixed sales locations to its vendors.
  • It is not permitted to threaten other vendors or drive them away from their sales locations.
  • It is not allowed to sell the ZdS in public buses, trams or in the train station area.
  • In pubs, restaurants or beer gardens and adjacent areas used by their guests, the ZdS may only be sold with the permission of the host.
  • It is not permitted to sell the street magazine outside Bremen and Bremerhaven, especially not in cities with their own street newspapers.
3. Behavior towards Buyers
  • Every vendor has to carry their vendor badge clearly visibly.
  • Vendors may not sell the ZdS whilst drunk or drugged.
  • Vendors may not force the magazine on people.
  • Begging in combination with selling the magazine is discouraged.
  • If a person is not willing to buy the ZdS, they must not be insulted or threatened.
  • If a person wishes to buy the magazine, the vendor is obliged to hand it out.
  • Dirty or torn magazines may not be sold.
  • Vendors are obliged to return the change to buyers.
  • It is not allowed to sell the magazine out of town, particularly not in cities with street magazines of their own.
4. Sanctions

In the case of repeated knowing violations of these rules, a vendor’s identifcation badge may be confiscated by ZdS staff, barring them from further selling the magazine.